MATLAB Fundamentals>Common Data Analysis Techniques>Smoothing Data> (3/5) Smoothing Electricity Data
数据准备:This code sets up the activity.
load electricityData whos total = usage(:,end); sectorUsage = usage(:,1:3); sectors = sectors(1:3); plot(dates,total,".-")
The table edata contains monthly electricity usage, in MWh, for the U.S., separated by sector. The matrix sectorUsage contains the consumption for three sectors (residential, commercial, and industrial). The vector total contains the total consumption. The months are stored in the datetime vector dates.
You can smooth the data using the smooth data function.
dataSm = smoothdata(data,"movmean",n)
When the data are evenly sampled, you do not need to specify the sample points.
Calculate the 1-year moving average of total. Add this to the existing plot using point markers and a solid line. Repeat for the 2-year moving average.
total12 = smoothdata(total,"movmean",12) hold on plot(dates,total12,".-") total24 = smoothdata(total,"movmean",24) plot(dates,total24,".-") hold off
The smoothdata function works column-wise on matrices. The sectorUsage variable contains usage data from three sectors in its three columns.
Calculate the 2-year moving average of all the sectors in sectorUsage. Create a new plot of the result against dates. Use solid lines and no markers.
sectorUsage24 = smoothdata(sectorUsage,"movmean",24) plot(dates,sectorUsage24,"-")
The dates are spaced one calendar month apart. However, the months have different lengths, so the usage data is spaced slightly unevenly. To use the dates as sample points, you need to specify the window length as a duration.
nDur = years(2) useSp = smoothdata(sectorUsage,"movmean",... nDur,"SamplePoints",dates) plot(dates,useSp)
The data look almost identical, but a closer look at the difference reveals that they are not.
stem(dates,sectorUsage24-useSp) legend(sectors)
Here, sectorUsage24 represents the 2-year moving average of all the sectors in sectorUsage, but you may have given this variable from the last task a different name.
nDur = years(2) useSp = smoothdata(sectorUsage,"movmean",nDur,"SamplePoints",dates) plot(dates,useSp) stem(dates,sectorUsage24-useSp) legend(sectors)
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