## Flow chart for a simple neural network:
#(1)Take inputs 输入
#(2)Add bias (if required)
#(3)Assign random weights to input features 随机一个权重
#(4)Run the code for training. 训练集训练
#(5)Find the error in prediction. 找预测损失
#(6)Update the weight by gradient descent algorithm. 根据梯度下降更新权重
#(7)Repeat the training phase with updated weights. 重复训练更新权重
#(8)Make predictions. 做预测
参考: 深度学习使用python建立最简单的神经元neuron-CSDN博客
# Import the required libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Load the data df = pd.read_csv('Lesson44-data.csv') df
# Separate the features and label x = df[['Glucose','BloodPressure']]#特征值 y = df['Outcome']#标签
np.random.seed(10)#初始化 label = y.values.reshape(y.shape[0],1) weights = np.random.rand(2,1)#随机一个权重 bias = np.random.rand(1) learning_rate = 0.0000004#梯度下降步长 epochs = 1000 #迭代次数
# Define the sigmoid function def sigmoid(input): output = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-input)) return output # Define the sigmoid derivative function基于sigmoid导数 def sigmoid_derivative(input): return sigmoid(input) * (1.0 - sigmoid(input)) def train_network(x,y,weights,bias,learning_rate,epochs): #Epochs. 来回 One Epoch is when an ENTIRE dataset is passed forward and backward through the neural network only ONCE. j=0 #weights 权重 k=[] #learning_rate梯度下降的步长 l=[] for epoch in range(epochs): dot_prod = np.dot(x, weights) + bias#np.dot矩阵乘积 # using sigmoid preds = sigmoid(dot_prod) # Calculating the error errors = preds - y #计算错误,预测-实际 # sigmoid derivative deriva_preds = sigmoid_derivative(preds) deriva_product = errors * deriva_preds #update the weights weights = weights - np.dot(x.T, deriva_product) * learning_rate loss = errors.sum() j=j+1 k.append(j) l.append(loss) print(j,loss) for i in deriva_product: bias = bias - i * learning_rate plt.plot(k,l) return weights,bias weights_final, bias_final = train_network(x,label,weights,bias,learning_rate,epochs)
weights_final '''结果: array([[ 0.06189634], [-0.12595182]]) ''' bias_final #结果:array([0.633647]) # Prediction inputs = [[101,76]] dot_prod = np.dot(inputs, weights_final) + bias_final preds = sigmoid(dot_prod) >= 1/2 preds #结果:array([[False]]) inputs = [[137,40]] dot_prod = np.dot(inputs, weights_final) + bias_final preds = sigmoid(dot_prod) >= 1/2 preds #结果:array([[ True]])
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