
9.2.6:SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET Crack


SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET

A broad cross-platform library that provides a programmatic, in-code spreadsheet feature set similar to that offered by SpreadsheetGear for .NET Framework.

9.2.6:SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET Crack,第1张

Formerly known as "SpreadsheetGear for .NET Standard".

Includes a .NET Standard 2.0 target to support various platforms such as .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher, .NET 6 (works with earlier versions), UWP, Xamarin, Mono and more.

Includes a .NET 6 target, which provides all the capabilities of the .NET Standard 2.0 target plus utilization of "hardware intrinsics" which enable additional optimizations on specific hardware when supported on the hosting machine.

UI capabilities are not included in this product (see SpreadsheetGear for Windows).

9.2.6:SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET Crack,第2张

NOTE - Prior to Version 9, this product was called "SpreadsheetGear for .NET Standard".

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 Recent Changes

Please see the below list for release notes relating to the most recent versions of SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET, and refer further down on this page for an exhaustive list of release notes for all current and past versions.

  • 9.2.26 Fixed HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP to round up col_index_num and row_index_num when they are very close to the next index. (Dec 19, 2023)

    SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET Version 9

    September 26, 2023 - Version 9 of SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET Framework adds support for cell comments and form controls in Open XML files, fine-grained worksheet protection options, embedded pictures in print headers and footers, document properties, various chart and shape enhancements, official support for Excel 2021 and more.

    New Features
    • SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET replaces SpreadsheetGear for .NET Standard:
      • Separate SpreadsheetGear.dll assemblies optimized for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 6+.
      • Runs everywhere .NET Standard 2.0 or .NET 6+ is supported.
      • .NET 6+ assembly includes support for .NET intrinsics which improves performance of some operations.
      • Both assemblies include DataTable and DataSet APIs which were missing from SpreadsheetGear for .NET Standard.
    • Support for reading and writing cell comments and form controls with Open XML (.xlsx and .xlsm) workbooks.
    • Official support for Excel 2021 and the latest versions of Excel for Microsoft 365.
    • Support for embedded pictures in print headers and footers.
    • Support for standard and custom document properties.
    • Chart enhancements including:
      • Support for embedding shapes within charts.
      • Support for creating chart sheets.
      • Added a number of IChartSheet properties and methods as well as the related IChartSheetWindowInfo and IChartSheetWindowInfos interfaces.
    • Shape enhancements for better compatibility with Excel including:
      • Arrowheads and other markers on lines.
      • Better support for radio button form controls.
      • Support for grouping and ungrouping shapes.
      • Support for autosizing of cell comments and text objects.
      • Support for picture cropping including support for negative picture crop values.
    • Support for fine-grained worksheet protection options including:
      • Select locked cells
      • Select unlocked cells
      • Format cells
      • Format columns
      • Format rows
      • Insert columns
      • Insert rows
        • Insert hyperlinks
        • Delete columns
        • Delete rows
        • Sort
        • Use AutoFilter
        • Edit objects
      • Updated new workbook theme to more closely match recent versions of Excel.
      • Added an IWorksheet.Comments[...] collection that returns all cell comments for the specified worksheet.
        Breaking Changes
        • As part of adding the IWorksheet ProtectDrawingObjects and ProtectScenarios properties, setting IWorksheet.ProtectContents was changed to no longer have the effect of modifying these two properties.
        • Changed the CHAR and CODE worksheet functions to use CultureInfo.TextInfo.ANSICodePage to convert to and from Unicode.
        • Changed IWorksheets.Add to keep track of the last number used to automatically generate the name such as "Sheet1". This number is reset to 1 when a workbook is loaded which will lead to different behavior. The new IChartSheets.Add follows the same strategy with it's own next sheet number. This behavior is the same as Excel.
        • Removed the deprecated LineStyle.Continous enumerated value. Please use LineStyle.Continuous instead.
        • Changed IWorkbookSet.CalculateFullRebuild to no longer try to optimize memory usage and added new IWorkbookSet.GC method which does try to optimize memory usage.
        • Changed the WEBSERVICE function to be disabled by default. To enable WEBSERVICE you must set IWorkbookSet.EnableWebService to true.
          Issues Addressed
          • Improved number parsing and formatting accuracy.
          • Fixed an issue which caused a failure to fixup cell references in certain cases where multiple conditional format conditions apply to a cell and the criteria is a complex formula with relative references.
          • Fixed number formatting to handle cases such as "a"General"b".
          • Fixed to allow copying from a partial array formula range.
          • Improved IRR to no longer favor values between the guess and zero over values closer to the guess.
          • Fixed hiding and showing of rows and columns to update IRange.ShowDetails as needed.
          • Fixed thousands separator parsing and formatting to consider '\u202F' as well as '\u00A0'.
          • Fixed a performance issue which occurred when there are large numbers of defined names where many of these names refer to names which refer to names, etc...
          • Fixed a problem which caused an exception to be thrown if identical Unicode text longer than 127 characters is contained in more than 255 cells.
          • Fixed a problem which caused reading of certain password protected Open XML workbooks to throw an exception.
          • Fixed a problem which sometimes occurred when copying array formulas to other cells in the same column.
          • Fixed a problem with EOMONTH which caused it to return an incorrect result when used in a non-array cell formula with arguments including a MATCH function with an array constant for the 'lookup_array' argument.
          • Fixed a problem with IRange.Copy which occurred when used with PasteType.Values and fewer rows in the source range than the destination range.
          • Fixed a variety of issues with print black and white.
          • Fixed an issue which caused a null reference exception to be thrown when copying a worksheet which contains worksheet specific defined names which contain circular references.
          • Fixed an issue which caused an exception to be thrown in certain cases when pasting cell formulas which reference worksheet scoped defined names on a worksheet in another workbook.
          • Fixed an issue which caused LINEST, LOGEST, GROWTH and TREND to sometimes return inconsistent results if the number of columns in 'known_xs' is greater than the number of rows in 'known_ys'.
          • Fixed an issue which caused LINEST, LOGEST, GROWTH and TREND to fail to remove colinear columns in certain cases when there are multiple colinear columns.
          • Fixed cases where adding a merged cell incorrectly enlarges the current selected range even if the selection contains entire rows or entire columns.
          • Fixed column width issue which caused large column widths to be truncated with smaller than normal default workbook fonts.
          • Fixed data validation listboxes to ignore blank entries in criteria specified by hard coded comma separated lists.
          • Fixed dropdown listboxes to work with a single cell reference for the linked range.
          • Fixed hyperlinks to handle square braces such as [address]subaddress.
          • Fixed IFERROR problems with certain complex formulas.
          • Fixed issue with number formatting and precision as displayed where format == "# ?/?%" and the value is 9E21.
          • Fixed issues with Hyperlink linked to external workbook reference.
          • Fixed parsing formatted numbers which are both fractions and percent.
          • Fixed saving of merged cells extending beyond IV65536 to xls workbooks to maintain the partial merged cell as Excel does.
          • Fixed to be able to read workbooks with table references containing double quotes.
          • Fixed worksheet and chartsheet numbering for new sheets to work like Excel. They each keep their own next sheet number and that number gets reset to 1 when a workbook is opened.
          • Fixed writing column widths to xls when width is > UInt16.MaxValue.
          • Improved performance of merging large ranges of cells.
          • 9.2.12 Fixed INames.Add to throw an exception if 'formula' is text (not a formula with leading '=') longer than 255 characters as Excel does. (Oct 18, 2023)
          • 9.2.12 Fixed issues with OR, AND and XOR functions which caused them to return incorrect results in certain cases involving 0.0 and / or certain text values. (Oct 18, 2023)
          • 9.2.13 Added a work around to read workbooks written by certain 3rd party software with invalid VML. (Nov 1, 2023)
          • 9.2.14 Fixed copying conditional formats to fixup formulas in Extended Criteria. (Nov 4, 2023)
          • 9.2.14 Fixed an issue which caused worksheet corruption and various exceptions when copying formulas containing text to certain types of destinations. (Nov 4, 2023)
          • 9.2.14 Fixed issues with SpreadsheetGear for Windows text layout when only single partial characters are viewable. (Nov 4, 2023)
          • 9.2.20 Fixed adding cell comments to position the comments within visible rows and columns. (Nov 9, 2023)
          • 9.2.21 Fixed an issue which caused SUMIF and COUNTIF to sometimes return incorrect results if the first argument only has one row. (Nov 10, 2023)
          • 9.2.23 Fixed an issue which caused CHOOSE to sometimes return an incorrect result when used in an array formula. (Nov 17, 2023)
          • 9.2.23 Fixed problems which sometimes occurred when sorting formulas which contained text results or a result of zero. (Nov 17, 2023)
          • 9.2.26 Fixed HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP to round up col_index_num and row_index_num when they are very close to the next index. (Dec 19, 2023)


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